r/selfhosted May 25 '19

Official Welcome to /r/SelfHosted! Please Read This First


Welcome to /r/selfhosted!

We thank you for taking the time to check out the subreddit here!


The concept in which you host your own applications, data, and more. Taking away the "unknown" factor in how your data is managed and stored, this provides those with the willingness to learn and the mind to do so to take control of their data without losing the functionality of services they otherwise use frequently.

Some Examples

For instance, if you use dropbox, but are not fond of having your most sensitive data stored in a data-storage container that you do not have direct control over, you may consider NextCloud

Or let's say you're used to hosting a blog out of a Blogger platform, but would rather have your own customization and flexibility of controlling your updates? Why not give WordPress a go.

The possibilities are endless and it all starts here with a server.

Subreddit Wiki

There have been varying forms of a wiki to take place. While currently, there is no officially hosted wiki, we do have a github repository. There is also at least one unofficial mirror that showcases the live version of that repo, listed on the index of the reddit-based wiki

Since You're Here...

While you're here, take a moment to get acquainted with our few but important rules

When posting, please apply an appropriate flair to your post. If an appropriate flair is not found, please let us know! If it suits the sub and doesn't fit in another category, we will get it added! Message the Mods to get that started.

If you're brand new to the sub, we highly recommend taking a moment to browse a couple of our awesome self-hosted and system admin tools lists.

Awesome Self-Hosted App List

Awesome Sys-Admin App List

Awesome Docker App List

In any case, lot's to take in, lot's to learn. Don't be disappointed if you don't catch on to any given aspect of self-hosting right away. We're available to help!

As always, happy (self)hosting!

r/selfhosted Jan 01 '24

Official Happy New Year, /r/selfhosted - January Announcements


New Year Announcement - Happy 2024!

Welcome to 2024! It's been a wild 365 days, and we're ready for the next 366 (Forget it was a leap year? I didn't)! That said, We've got some big changes planned, and we want your insight! Let's get right to it.

New Moderators

As many have noticed over the last several months, my ability to keep up with the growing subreddit (Thanks, /u/a_sugarcane for being excited about 300k members!) has been overwhelmed as my personal life has become increasingly busy. My hobbies and work life are taking up a lot more time than they have in the past.

That said, I'd like to officially welcome the first of at least 5-6 new moderators to be brought on for the new year to help with the community!

I reached out to these folks specifically due to their existing involvement in the community and the positive and productive contributions they've made thus far. So welcome!

New Survey - Your Participation is greatly appreciated

We're looking for two things with this survey:

  1. We want to make this place a better place by ensuring the rules and goals still align with the desires of the community
  2. We want to gauge interest in new moderators!

Please take some time to fill this out as best as you can. The more feedback we get here, the better we can do moving forward for this year.

Google Forms Survey (Email address login is not required, but please, do not abuse the survey)

Survey Questions Open Discussion!

The questions all ask fairly specific questions, save for a couple of optional open-ended questions. What do you think this subreddit can use to improve its benefit to the community best?

Please, feel free to share here, and help us make it a better place for all involved.

As always,

Happy (self)Hosting!

r/selfhosted 9h ago

Anyone self-hosting ChatGPT like LLMs?


r/selfhosted 6h ago

Some have asked about my Dashboard - So here is a git repo!


Hi everyone, apparently we all love to tinker with our front-end user experience - So here's a small blurb about this project.

Originally I looked into homarr/dashboard and felt like I didn't need widgets or anything really too complicated - The options all seemed a little too much like overkill for me personally so I threw this option together to better fit my tastes.

The open source world has been really good to me, and when I got some inquires asking me about my site I decided to just make the git repo public.

Feel free to change/modify/tinker with the site, I would be interested to see what people come up with! This is the first project of mine that I'm 'sharing' publicly so any feedback is welcome.

The Git Repo

r/selfhosted 5h ago

Webserver Collect and visualise Nginx logs


I’m hosting an Nginx server in my home lab and want to collect and visualize both error and access logs, as well as monitor the server. I’m aiming to keep everything self-hosted without using any cloud services. My plan is to use the Vector agent to read Nginx logs and send them to Elasticsearch, and then use Elasticsearch as a data source for Grafana. Has anyone set up a similar stack? Any tips or recommendations?

Or if anyone has a better idea pls suggest, thanks 🙏🏼

r/selfhosted 7h ago

Looking for an image management solution that supports raster and vector image files


There are good self hosted options for image management, but I am looking for one that can also handle more file types including svg, wmf, and ico. Any recommndations?

r/selfhosted 1h ago

Need security advices as a selfhosted software developer


Fellow selfhosters, I've been doing selfhosting for many years and see tons of great advice around security in this sub but as a developer of an oss selfhosted software (Filestash) I start to see more and more very concerning things:

  1. people opening up their instance on the internet and never upgrading ever. The worse offender I've seen so far is past the 4 years mark without upgrade.

  2. people putting their software opened on the internet but never followed any best practice to deploy things. Of course we have the HTTP only instances but the most concerning is people not using the provided configuration, making a mistake and have their instance showing the setup page which asks for the "admin password" .... that typically happen in docker if you don't have any volume attached and the state of the application is being cleared when you restart the container.

So the question is, what should I do? They are a couple technical solutions but they all suck in their own ways, things like:

  1. ask for a contact email during the setup that will be sent off to me so I have a way to contact the person who made that deployment if needed. The cons is many people will see that as a violation of privacy and/or an attempt at tying the application to some servers I control (plex hem) but in practice very few people opt in to things like that, I've seen that first hand with telemetry which is enabled in <1% install but was quite usefull to find if some people got affected by a security issue that occur last year.

  2. having a killswitch that will turn the software off if you haven't upgraded in something like 2 years.

  3. having a plugin that will try to find a CVE (meaning the software will communicate externally which many people in this community hate) in which case it will turns itself off if you haven't upgrade after something like a month or 2 after the CVE was publish and the fix provided.

None of those options are great, hence why I'm asking this here as there should be something better.

r/selfhosted 1d ago

Today I left the cloud.


r/selfhosted 22h ago

Automatically backup Vaultwarden - my way


I've been running Vaultwarden on my Unraid server for several years. I usually export it to a json file and zip it with a password.

Now I let it back up automatically to an external drive by deploying a docker from https://github.com/Bruceforce/vaultwarden-backup

Here is my docker compose file, to automatically backup it every 12 hours, and keep the last 7 days backups in gpg encrypted files:
version: '3.7'



image: bruceforce/vaultwarden-backup

restart: on-failure

init: true

# depends_on:

# - vaultwarden


- /mnt/user/appdata/bitwarden:/data/:ro

# uncomment this if you want your backup to be written to ./backup/ folder"

- /mnt/remotes/BTHOVEN_DDWRT_NAS/bitwarden_backup:/backup/

- /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro

- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro








- CRON_TIME=0 */12 * * *

- TZ=Asia/Bangkok

#- UID=1000

#- GID=1000

- BACKUP_DIR=/backup




- LOG_DIR=/backup/logs






r/selfhosted 11h ago

What RSS feeds to subscribe to?


Getting started with RSS readers, what are you subscribed to, in the IT/self hosting context?

r/selfhosted 15m ago

Docker Management Docker defaults best practice?


Planning on installing Debian into a large VM on my ProxMox environment to manage all my docker requirements.

Are there any particular tips/tricks/recommendations for how to setup the docker environment for easier/cleaner administration? Thinks like a dedicated docker partition, removal in unnecessary Debian services, etc?

r/selfhosted 8h ago

The plateau


I have, after about 8 months of constant changes, arrived at a comfortable plateau.

I self host for work mostly. I do consulting work, mostly in data driven policy analysis , so ideal with quite a bit of data. Say around 2tb of mostly text, compressed.

I have a solid backup system, with a working copy on a NAS on raidz2 running truenas, a good home network setup with WireGuard for some limited access, a good note taking system, the works.

I am now comfortable.

I think this will last about two weeks.

r/selfhosted 1h ago

Software Development seelf v2: a lightweight self-hosted deployment platform


Cross-posting from Golang.

Hi there!

One year ago (omg), I published the initial version of my personal project named seelf.

seelf, is a lightweight, easy to understand self-hosted deployment platform: https://github.com/YuukanOO/seelf . With it, you can easily deploy your applications packaged as a Docker compose stack on your own hardware with an intuitive web UI.

Got a working local docker compose file and want to go live in no time without hassle? seelf can handle it without any modification (in a majority of times) and deploy appropriate services at nice urls on your own infrastructure.

Because sometimes, you just need a simple deployment platform that doesn't get in your way.

Thanks to Go, seelf weights around ~72mb and embed Git (go-git) and Compose (official lib) so the only prerequisites are Docker and a correctly configured DNS.

Yesterday was the official release of the v2.0.0 and I'm so proud to reach it! I've put a lot of work on this release, especially on the documentation. There is still a lot of work to be done but this was a huge milestone for me.

The big change for this version is the ability to deploy your applications on remote targets.

Feel free to check it out, contribute, and have a nice day ;)

r/selfhosted 11h ago

Need Help Step by Step moving away from anything stored online. Looking for opinions for a few things left.


Heyah o/ !

So first of all, after some difficult months, I'm finally trying to keep everything clean on my server (Unraid) and move away from many online service. I was able to setup a basic Jellyfin, Navidrome for audio, Libreoffice etc etc. It feels really good, and based on how things are evolving these days, I'm really happy to have gone that way !

My final setup is the fact I did setup Wireguard (basic) and I'm able to access everything where I want.

However, I'm still looking for some alternatives for a few things, and I'd like to ask for some opinions. Obviously, I took some time to look at some of the possibilities, but I like to read opinions and maybe discover new things !

First of all, I might want to ask for weird stuff, but yeah... I guess that's my brain, don't mind it. The most important info I can give is that I don't have any intention to put anything "online". The most "online" thing would be tied to the Wireguard setup. I don't plan to share it with anybody outside of my VPN / network !

So here's a little list :

  • I've been worked on a Google Site thing. The idea of it is to gather some researches / knowledge i've learnt around my hooby. The site factor isn't really important since even with my Google Site is private, but I just like how responsive it is. Putting pictures, editing text etc. I want something like that. It doesn't need to be a site but I like the structure of the site (told you, I'm weird !) that's why a simple Doc on LibreOffice doesn't fit 100% my needs. Stuff like Obsidian felt... Not complete, I don't really want to use markdown to edit pictures etc.
  • I'd like to setup some sync tool for my files. I've been working on Syncthing, but i've a huge issue which stops me to be able to run Syncthing on start on my PC, which is a major flaw (and on top to that, it seems slow to make instant sync, not sure if I didn't set it up well too). I've always been interested into Nextcloud, but any guide seems to set up for an outside of the network use, which I don't need. Is it possible to have something easy to setup without that factor ?
  • Finally, this is the weirdest one. I've worked on a game (public) which works on Local Storage. I'm quite tired of that setup, so I'd like to port the game for me but would be related to a db or an alternative storage system because I use multiple PC. But same, every guide wants to go for a public way, which I don't need. What would you recommand me as an easy setup for that ? My actual setup is a firefox docker where I can play my game on any of my device, but it sucks on mobile and I've some tab notification that doesn't work well with that. And overall, i'm more interested in learning to make something less... Bad ?

Thanks a lot for any answer / any insight on this !

r/selfhosted 12h ago

What do I need to worry about when exposing services via cloudflare and swag?


Everything is password protected. No router port is open. The services are only shared within my house. I know just use Tailscale but one I don’t want to depend on it and two I find cloudflare faster and easier when I’m constantly on different devices. Also a lot easier for others to use the site verses Tailscale when they’re bad at tech.

r/selfhosted 9h ago

Looking for an inventory management system


I'm looking to setup an inventory management system for our small non for profit organization.

We need to be able to keep track of everything we have in our storage locker, who has checked them out and who is checking them back in (they might be different people). We run events so being able to know where everything is and who has it is important. It would be wonderful to have an app that lets us check things in and out by scanning at the storage locker.

I've seen things like invenTree and snipe-it. But I'm not sure if there is anything that can track the same item being checked in and out. Your help is appreciated. Thank you

r/selfhosted 14h ago

Dittofeed - Webhooks and Admin API - v0.13.1


Hey all, we just released Dittofeed v0.13.1! Dittofeed is an open-source, MIT-licensed alternative to customer engagement platforms like Customer.io and Braze. This release introduces several features that really expand how you can use Dittofeed:

  • New Webhook Channel: This channel lets you make API requests directly from user journeys. It's useful for:

  1. Use cases include sending Slack messages, triggering native mobile push notifications.
  2. Sending messages with your internal APIs.
  3. Integrating messaging channels that Dittofeed doesn't yet support natively.

  • Admin API: The Admin API allows you to programmatically manage your Dittofeed workspace. This release includes endpoints for managing users, searching user events, and more.
  • Improved Template Publishing UX: Our template editor now allows you to visually compare your drafts against published templates, simplifying the publication process and ensuring you don’t lose track of your changes.

For a more detailed breakdown of what’s included in v0.13.1, check out our blog post:


And for those self-hosting Dittofeed, make sure to consult our latest upgrade guide:


We'd really appreciate it if you visited and starred our repo to help support the project:


Thanks all!

r/selfhosted 22h ago

VPS to act as an public NAT for internal services (Cloudflared "self host" alternative)


Due to constrains mainly regarding public IP from ISP and limits on certain ports I'm thinking of paying for an cheap VPS to do NAT via an Wireguard tunnel to my internal services. And while Cloudflared is an awesome thing, it only supports HTTP(s) and I need raw TCP/UDP for some services.

Currently I got a solution in mind, se below;

  • Setting up an Docker Wireguard server instance on an VPS, and manipulate iptables and sysctl to forward specific ports to the Wireguard client
  • Setup Docker container on my main docker-compose stack (let's call it vps-vpn-client) that connects to the VPS
  • Configure the Traefik container instance to use docker-compose network_mode: "service:vps-vpn-client"
  • Configure Traefik to use HAproxy Proxy protocol and TCP/UDP/HTTP mode to internal services

However I'm wondering if there is an simpler altarnative to what I'm trying to achieve?

r/selfhosted 17h ago

Need Help What tools are you using for Tasks/Notes/Knowledgebases?


I'm looking for a multi platform(web, desktop, mobile) tool to use as my knowledge base. I've already set up Nextcloud Tasks with an android client which works quite nicely, but I'm also thinking about moving all my stuff from Notion(e.g. Bookmarks, Tables, Notes) to a selfhosted service.

What are yall using?

I know I won't get the full compatibility with notion, but I guess I would also be fine with splitting up stuff. E.g. One app for Tasks, one for Bookmarks/lists/collections and one for normal notes

r/selfhosted 14h ago

What self hosted option like Dropbox file request on web server?


Customer wants to send some big files, > 2Gb and I’d like to be able to host a service that allows me to receive them. Customer not very tech literate so needs to be easy for them to use. Thank you.

r/selfhosted 7h ago

Need Help Hosting External Server in a Restricted Network Environment with Mesh and Managed ISP


Hello everyone,

I recently moved into an apartment that uses a unique internet setup provided by a company called Starry. The service receives 5G network signals and distributes them via wired connections throughout the building. Additionally, each floor is equipped with multiple routers, creating a mesh network. Unfortunately, this setup does not allow me resident access to router administration or the ability to obtain an external IP address.

This limitation has rendered my server devices, such as Raspberry Pi and Intel NUC, practically unusable for external hosting purposes. I recall using a service like ngrok in conjunction with Google's computing resources to overcome similar issues in the past. Could a similar approach work here? Any advice or alternative solutions that could help me host an external server in this restrictive environment would be greatly appreciated!

r/selfhosted 20h ago

Any Lidarr experts out there? How can I set my preferred release region?


Here's an example, where the default was a 6 CD - 65 track release:


I want it to default to the standard release (11 tracks in this case) for a region and not the super deluxe edition.

Any ideas?

r/selfhosted 8h ago

Business Tools Looking for Self-Hosted Delivery Management Solutions with Tracking


I run a small warehouse company and currently, I am using Odoo to manage our operations.

I am trying to improve our delivery management, so our customers can have better visibility into the status of their deliveries. I would love if they could see updates such as Picked, Loaded for Delivery, In Transit, and Delivered. Or something similar.

Most of our deliveries are handled in-house with our own drivers. Ideally, our drivers would be able to scan packages to update their status. Additionally, incorporating proof of delivery like capturing signatures and photos at the time of delivery would be amazing.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to figure out how to implement this functionality directly within Odoo. Is anyone aware of any self-hosted, open-source software that can be integrated with Odoo for delivery management, or even a standalone solution with a tracking link or similar feature? Perhaps there is functionality already within Odoo that I’m missing?

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

r/selfhosted 18h ago

Nextcloud Talk as alternative to Matrix/Rocketchat/Mattermost?


I am looking for an OS and self-hosted WhatsApp replacement for around 1,000 users.

  • Mattermost and Rocket.Chat have shifted toward the enterprise market, increasingly placing more features behind an "Enterprise License" wall. In particular, sending push notifications has become problematic.
  • Matrix is an option but may be overkill for a simple chat application.
  • Zulip is appealing but can also be a bit complicated and too technical for end-users.

Nextcloud Talk has improved recently. What do you think? Is it feasible for this scenario, or do you have any other suggestions?I am looking for a WhatsApp replacement for around 1k users.

  • Mattermost and Rocketchat went the enterprise direction and move more and more features behind the "Enterprise license wall". Especially sending push notifications is a problem.
  • Matrix is an option but can be also an overkill for a simple chat app
  • Zulip is a nice option but can be also a bit complicated or too techy for end users

Nextcloud talk got better recently, what do you think? is it feasable for such a scenario (just texting, no video calls) or do do you have any other ideas?

r/selfhosted 5h ago

Do you use *.internal.domain.tld wildcard certs?


In the past year or two, using a sub subdomain wildcard seemed to be popular for internal only services. e.g. *.home.example.com or *.internal.example.com. I had assumed the reasoning was to keep the *.example.com clear for possible publicly exposed services, nextcloud.example.com, Plex.example.com and the like.

I’m noticing some of the videos that proposed this no longer have that internal subdomain wildcard cert’d, at least per what I see on http://crt.sh (techno tim and his *.local.technotim.live for example).

Is there a reason why an internal.example.com style cert would be undesirable or not nowadays? Or some new quirk to the wildcard where they don’t show up on crt.sh anymore?

r/selfhosted 2h ago




Leverage physical nodes to decouple from the internet.

Currently a dropbox, but if desired can implement usenet.

r/selfhosted 10h ago

Product Announcement Builder perspective on open-source non-dev-tool company.


Even though this sub is usually dedicated to the user part of the product, I thought it would be interesting to share the perspective of someone considering building the next OSS startup.

I've been developing an email marketing platform and thought about making it open-source. Initially, I was thrilled by the idea of presenting it as "Mailchimp, but open-sourced." However, I also had reservations about its business potential. So, I began exploring whether this concept could be commercially viable and what niches might be most appropriate.

The primary philosophy behind open-source development tools is to build a substantial user base by offering free access to individual developers. This model encourages these users to become paying customers as their requirements expand, such as when integrating the tool into larger teams or enterprises. Typically, it's reasonable to expect compensation for providing support, consulting, or tailored features. Yet, a highly technical open-source CRM might not align perfectly with this model since such products are often ready for production use right from the start.

To better understand the monetization strategies and market entry tactics, I examined 40 commercial open-source companies across various domains, including CRMs, CDPs, analytical tools, CEPs, help desks, and more. Out of these, 18 have secured venture capital funding, while the rest are either self-funded or languishing.

Here's some takeaways:

When it makes sense.

  1. The dev bro is a crucial decision-maker. The engineering-driven team is led by a tech-savvy founder who prefers self-hosted technology. The second option is when the data or the engineering leadership is a key decision-maker when it comes to the problem you’re trying to solve.
  2. Strict security requirements. Using open-source software may streamline the process by reducing the need for a hundred XLS files from security and compliance teams. Security developers can look at the running code, even if they don't run it themselves.
  3. Integration-rich products. This is particularly beneficial for products with long-tail dynamics that need multiple connections with libraries, frameworks, or applications. For instance, Airbyte excels in ETL by offering unique connector support that other solutions may not provide.

The tight budget makes it challenging for OSS dev tools to seal the deal with buyers. And here’s the best point with OSS operational tools –you’re building rapport with the IT team by speaking the same language, and the purchasing authority resides in another department.

Go-to-market strategy

The harsh reality is that the company is simultaneously working on 2 or 3 products regarding COSS. Generally, the OSS and the commercial product follow two roadmaps and goals.

  1. Community product, which makes the company open source.
  2. Cloud version of the product with some additional features, aka open-core.
  3. Enterprise products. There are two directions: the advanced managed cloud plan with security features and custom integrations and the advanced on-premise option, which is only available to select customers.

Note that you don’t have to implement both the cloud and the enterprise option. Some companies don’t have enterprise plans or companies that provide only air-gapped solutions along with community versions. (Lago or Refine, for example)

When it comes to enterprise suite, Premium Support and Single Sign-On (SSO) are the most commonly offered enterprise features among the researched companies.. Many companies offer air-gapped instances that prevent tool developers from receiving data on what’s going on in self-hosted instances. This is especially important for tools that handle sensitive data, as it limits compliance issues for GDPR et al.

Also interesting is that the open-source product has the potential to expand into a platform strategy. Cal.com is experimenting with building a platform for developers using open-source tools. They provide scheduling capabilities to other applications. The same applies to RocketChat, which enables developers to embed chat experiences into the existing web or mobile app.

License stuff

Each of these licenses has different requirements regarding distribution, modification, and how derivatives must be handled, influencing the adoption and contribution patterns of the software.
10 of the 18 companies that VC has funded have created their licenses. The second popular choice is the MIT license and AGPL3-0.

An intelligent open-source approach and outstanding design combination can reshape many established markets. I decided not to open-source my tool eventually, but the research has opened some avenues for other niches. For instance, as you see, there aren’t many COSS tools for GTM teams besides CRMs. We’re yet to see open-source alternatives for human email (Apollo), lead scoring (Madkudu), product-led sales (Pocus, Endgame), or enrichment tools (Apollo, ZoomInfo, Clearbit) since more tech-savvy personas are getting into the RevOps space.

You can check out the entire post here.

Let me know what you think about it!